Van Gogh carre pastels are a hard, square drawing pastel stick that is excellent for large area coverage when used on its side or for detailed work when using its corners and edges. These are dry pastels but are very sturdy sticks. The colors feature good lightfastness ratings for color retention. These can also be used with water for watercolor effects. Easy to clean up when you are done. This range is currently available in sets only. This 48-stick general selection set includes the following colors: White(5) (100.5), Yellow(9) (200.9), Yellow(8) (200.8), Light Yellow(5) (201.5), Lemon Yellow(5) (205.5), Yellow(5) (200.5), Deep Yellow(5) (202.5), Orange(5) (235.5), Vermillion(5) (311.5), Orange(7) (235.7), Permanent Red Deep(5) (371.5), Permanent Red(5) (372.5), Carmine(5) (318.5), Carmine(3) (318.3), Rose(5) (357.5), Carmine(7) (318.7), Permanent Red(8) (372.8), Rose(3) (357.3), Red Violet(5) (545.5), Blue Violet(5) (548.5), Red Violet(3) (545.3), Turquoise Blue(8) (522.8), Turquoise Blue(5) (522.5), Brilliant Blue(7) (564.7), Brilliant Blue(5) (564.5), Phthalo Blue(5) (570.5), Ultramarine(7) (504.7), Ultramarine(5) (504.5), Phthalo Blue(3) (570.3), Prussian Blue(5) (508.5), Yellowish Green (617.5), Permanent Green Light(7) (618.7), Permanent Green Light(5) (618.5), Turquoise Green(8) (661.8), Turquoise Green(5) (661.5), Permanent Green Deep(5) (619.5), Olive Green(5) (620.5), Olive Green(7) (620.7), Permanent Green Light(3) (618.3), Yellow Ochre Light(5) (228.5), Yellow Ochre(5) (227.5), Burnt Sienna(8) (411.8), Raw Umber(5) (408.5), Burnt Sienna(5) (411.5), Burnt Umber(5) (409.5), Mars Violet(5) (538.5), Greenish Umber(3) (410.3), Black(5) (700.5).